Wool Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2024 to 2038
Wool Parish Council has prepared a neighbourhood plan for its parish. It has sent the draft plan to Dorset Council to arrange for its examination.
Dorset Council must now consult on the submitted neighbourhood plan review for a minimum period of 6 weeks. This is a Regulation 16 consultation and will take place between 6 September 2024 and 18 October 2024 (inclusive). To respond to the consultation, see below.
The neighbourhood plan is supported by the following mandatory documents:
- Consultation Report
- Basic Conditions Statement (includes the SEA screening report)
The parish council provided the following supporting documents:
- NPSG Terms of Reference
- Wool Parish Plan 2011
- Bus Survey Summary
- Beryl Bikes Usage Report
- Housing Needs Assessment
- PTAG Transport Plan
- Summary Infrastructure Report for Wool Neighbourhood Plan
- Cemetery Space Requirements
- Guidance for the assessment of Cycling Infrastructure Requirements
- Emerging Dorset Local Plan Policy Options for renewables, low carbon, energy, sustainable construction
- SEA and HRA considerations
- Wool East Burton and Bovington Character Appraisal and Priorities
- Development form in Wool and East Burton
- Wool Village Centre and Neighbourhood Shopping Parades
- Local Plan Infrastructure Assumptions for Wool
- River Flooding, Surface Flooding and Photographic Evidence
- Purbeck Local Plan - Strategic Flood Risk assessment 2018 - additional comments by a local expert
The parish council have also supplied copies of the following National and Local guidance documents:
- NPPF December 2023
- LTN1/20 Cycling Infrastructure Design
- Bovington Townscape Character Assessment
- Wool Townscape Character Assessment
- Purbeck District Design Guide
- MOU between Dorset Council and Saville Oct 2019
If you have difficulties accessing any of these documents, or would like to respond in an alternative way, please contact us using the details on this page.
Representations made at this stage can include a request to be notified of Dorset Council's decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood plan.
All comments received during the consultation period will be made available to the independent examiner. The examiner will consider whether the plan meets certain basic conditions and satisfies other legal requirements. The basic conditions are:
- is it appropriate to make the plan, having regard to national planning policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;
- does the plan contribute to achieving sustainable development;
- is the plan in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan for the area (in this case, the Purbeck Local Plan 2018-2034);
- the plan does not breach the requirements of Chapter 8 of Part 6 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017; and
- the plan does not breach and is otherwise compatible with EU obligations and human rights requirements.
If the examiner finds that the neighbourhood plan meets all these requirements, or can be modified in order to meet them, then a public referendum will be held. This is normally limited to residents on the electoral roll within the neighbourhood plan area.
If the plan receives a positive referendum result, it will become part of the development plan. Its policies will be used to make decisions on relevant planning applications in Wool parish alongside other appropriate development plan policies.
Why your views matter
This consultation is an opportunity for individuals, organisations and businesses to comment on the plan. To be effective, comments should focus on whether the updated plan meets the basic conditions, as outlined above. All comments made during the consultation period will be made available to the examiner. The deadline for comments is 18 October 2024 (midnight).
Submit your comments
- Planning
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