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39 results

  • Wool Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2024 to 2038

    Wool Parish Council has prepared a neighbourhood plan for its parish. It has sent the draft plan to Dorset Council to arrange for its examination. Wool Neighbourhood Plan 2024-2038 (draft July 2024) Dorset Council must now consult on the submitted neighbourhood plan review for a minimum period of 6 weeks. This is a Regulation 16 consultation and will take place between 6 September 2024 and 18 October 2024 (inclusive). To respond to the consultation, see below. ... More
    Opened 6 September 2024
  • Add your land to the High Opportunity Nature Areas map which forms part of the Dorset local nature recovery strategy

    Put your land forward to be included in the High Opportunity Nature Areas. The Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) is being co-produced with a wide range of stakeholders and groups to identify the best opportunities to restore, grow and connect nature across the county. The high opportunity nature area map will show where some of these opportunities are or could be. The implementation of the strategy by many people in Dorset will help reverse declines in nature... More
    Closed 11 October 2024
  • Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan 2017 to 2031 - First Review

    Fontmell Magna Parish Council has prepared a review of its neighbourhood plan. It has sent the draft plan to Dorset Council to arrange for its examination. Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan 2017 to 2031 - First Review (draft July 2024) Dorset Council must now consult on the submitted neighbourhood plan for a minimum period of 6 weeks. This is a Regulation 16 consultation and will take place between 30 August and 11 October 2024 (inclusive). To respond to the... More
    Closed 11 October 2024
  • Upcoming webinar - the Dorset local nature recovery strategy

    Find out about what the local nature recovery strategy means and hear opportunities to get involved. You are welcome to join 1 of 2 free webinars we are hosting on Wednesday 25 September 2pm to 4pm and Thursday 3 October 6pm to 8pm. This webinar is especially relevant to those managing land and wishing to attract future funding for nature recovery activities. By attending you will find out more about: what the local nature recovery strategy is how Dorset's local... More
    Closed 3 October 2024
  • Wimborne St Giles Neighbourhood Plan 2021 to 2036

    Knowlton Parish Council has prepared a neighbourhood plan for its parish. It has sent the draft plan to Dorset Council to arrange for its examination. Dorset Council must now consult on the submitted neighbourhood plan review for a minimum period of 6 weeks. This is a Regulation 16 consultation and will take place between 12 August 2024 and 24 September 2024 (inclusive). To respond to the consultation, see below. The submitted neighbourhood plan is: Wimborne St Giles... More
    Closed 24 September 2024
  • Avon Heath Play Area Survey

    We are developing a masterplan for our play area’s future refurbishment, aiming to enhance its appeal and accessibility. We are seeking public feedback on current likes, dislikes, and future wishes for the area. The plan will consider introducing a toddler area, surfacing enhancements, and new inclusive equipment. We need your feedback to help shape the final plan. We believe in creating a play area that meets our community’s needs and expectations. Stay tuned for... More
    Closed 16 September 2024
  • A Big Conversation

    Here in Dorset, we’ve seen some big changes recently with the local election in May, and a change of national government following the General Election. As part of the new administration for Dorset Council, we want to create a new council plan. This will set out our key priorities to be delivered by the council over the next 5 years. We want to make change happen. This summer, we’re launching ‘A Big Conversation’ across Dorset, and we want to hear from you, our residents.... More
    Closed 15 September 2024
  • Food Waste Collection Service Survey

    The purpose of this survey is to find out more about people's views and experiences of using the Dorset Council food waste collection service so that we can improve it and encourage more people to participate. Your views are so important to us that there is a prize of a £100 Love2Shop gift card for one lucky participant! The prize draw is open to all UK residents aged 18 years and over who receive the Dorset Council Recycle for Dorset service, with the exception of Dorset... More
    Closed 26 August 2024
  • Register to join the Nature Recovery Dorset network

    The Nature Recovery Dorset network celebrates and supports the individuals, farmers, landowners, communities, and organisations who are helping restore nature in Dorset. There's no cost or commitment to join - just a shared desire to make nature in Dorset bigger, better and more joined up. Find out more about the network. Follow the simple steps to register by clicking on the link below. Nature Recovery Dorset... More
    Opened 21 August 2024
  • Dorset Council draft Annual Position Statement - 5 year housing land supply - stakeholder engagement

    Dorset Council is seeking to confirm its housing land supply position for the base period of 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, by producing an Annual Position Statement (APS). This APS will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in July 2024. a The Inspectorate will then provide their recommendation in October 2024 with the housing land supply position then being confirmed until October 2025. The government's Published Planning Practice Guidance sets out the process for... More
    Closed 4 July 2024
  • Head over to Instagram

    Follow posts, stories and get involved in quick polls. @YouthInDorset More
    Opened 9 May 2024
  • Check back here soon for more opportunities to have your say

    Check back soon for more information. More
    Opened 9 May 2024
  • Local Transport Plan Opportunities and Issues

    Dorset Council and BCP Council are working together on options to move around Dorset safely, efficiently, and sustainably for years to come. This will be a joint plan, designed and managed by BCP and Dorset Councils using the results of a wide-reaching engagement survey. The Councils are listening to valuable feedback and not making any big decisions at this stage. This joint plan will set out how transport is delivered to meet some of the demanding challenges facing the... More
    Closed 3 March 2024
  • Dorset Council News Magazine Survey

    We hope you find our magazine useful. To help us decide whether to continue producing it in a paper format in the future, we would like you to answer some questions. The magazine is delivered to households in the Dorset Council area twice a year. An audio version is also available on our website. The cost to Council Tax payers each year for printing and distributing the magazine is just under 35 pence for both editions. Prize draw If you would like to enter our prize draw for... More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Active Travel Infrastructure Plan

    Dorset Council's Active Travel Infrastructure Plan is a long term strategy for improving the network for walking, cycling and wheeling - that is, using a mobility scooter, wheelchair or similar mobility aid to get around. The plans include the network of prioritised routes based on which parts of the network would be most useful to improve. This survey gives you the opportunity to provide your views on: - whether the network of key routes is correct, and - whether the... More
    Closed 18 January 2024
  • Consultation for Conifers Primary School, Weymouth

    Dorset Council are consulting on the admissions arrangements for Conifers Primary School. The proposed Admission Numbers (AN) will apply to admissions to the relevant age group (the normal year of entry) commencing from the beginning of the school year 2025/26 and for any subsequent school year. The consultation will run from Wednesday 15 November until Tuesday 9 January 2024. The relevant information needed can be seen on the dedicated 2025 to 2026 school admission... More
    Closed 9 January 2024
  • Consultation for Cranborne Middle School

    Dorset Council are consulting on the admissions arrangements for Cranborne Middle School. The proposed Admission Numbers (AN) will apply to admissions to the relevant age group (the normal year of entry) commencing from the beginning of the school year 2025/26 and for any subsequent school year. The consultation will run from Wednesday 15 November until Tuesday 9 January 2024. The relevant information needed can be seen on the dedicated 2025 to 2026 school admission... More
    Closed 9 January 2024
  • Consultation for Bincombe Valley Primary School, Weymouth

    Dorset Council are consulting on the admissions arrangements for Bincombe Valley Primary School, Weymouth. The proposed Admission Numbers (AN) will apply to admissions to the relevant age group (the normal year of entry) commencing from the beginning of the school year 2025/26 and for any subsequent school year. The consultation will run from Wednesday 15 November until Tuesday 9 January 2024. The relevant information needed can be seen on the dedicated 2025 to 2026... More
    Closed 9 January 2024
  • Dorset Council Residents' Survey 2023-2024

    In the autumn and winter of 2023/24, independent research company, Information by Design, carried out our biennial Dorset Council Residents’ Survey. The survey results highlight residents’ views about the council, where they live, and issues that matter to them. The survey was hand-delivered to over 2,000 Dorset residents, with results weighted by age group, geography, sex, ethnicity, and socio-economic background to ensure a representative sample of the entire area, with a 2%... More
    Closed 31 December 2023
  • Purbeck Local Plan supplementary proposed main modifications

    Supplementary Proposed Main Modifications Consultation This consultation relates to supplementary proposed Main Modifications (SMM) to the Purbeck Local Plan (2018-2034). These are modifications which are necessary to address planning issues of soundness and for compliance with legislation relating to the local plan making process. The consultation runs between 10 November 2023 and 11:45 pm on 22 December 2023. The Council will not consider any representations received after... More
    Closed 22 December 2023
  • Childcare Survey for Dorset Families

    This survey is to find out from parents and carers what your experiences and needs are in relation to childcare for children and young people 0-14 years (18 for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The Childcare Act 2006 and the statutory guidance Early Education and Childcare Guidance for local authorities requires local authorities to assess whether we have enough childcare, at the times, and in the places, that Dorset families need. We want to... More
    Closed 8 December 2023
  • Better Days - Day Opportunities Survey

    We want to better understand how to redevelop our day opportunities model. A significant number of people in our county, for a number of reasons including illness or disability, need some support to plan their days or access activities and interests that matter to them. We call this support to access day opportunities. Our aim is to inform the development of a day opportunity model that offers choice, variety and personalisation for the people who use them. We want to find out... More
    Closed 8 December 2023
  • Better Days - Day Opportunities Survey (Easy Read)

    In 2021, we asked people in Dorset what they wanted to do with their day and how we could help make it better. We asked about how people use day services and other day opportunities. People told us that they wanted to be with their friends and have a variety of activites to do in their week. But we asked these questions during the Coronavirus lockdown and we are not sure that people told us everything they wanted to. ... More
    Closed 8 December 2023
  • Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

    In accordance with the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 all local authorities are required to complete a formal review of their parliamentary polling districts and polling places at least every five years. The purpose of the review is to ensure that all polling districts and polling places are, as far as possible, suitable and accessible to all voters. The last review of Polling District and Polling Places for Dorset Council took place in 2019: Agenda and... More
    Closed 13 November 2023
  • Dorset Council - Gambling Policy Consultation

    The Council, as Licensing Authority under the Gambling Act 2005, is required to publish a Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy at least every three years. The purpose of the policy statement is to define how the Council will exercise its responsibilities under the Act. The draft revised policy has been prepared by officers and and is now ready to be published, in draft format, for a period of public consultation. The changes to the policy are of a minor nature and generally... More
    Closed 9 November 2023
  • Dorset Council - Licensing Policy Consultation

    The Council, as Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003, is required to publish a Licensing Policy at least every five years. The purpose of the policy statement is to define how the Council will exercise its responsibilities under the Act: Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026 . The Statutory Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 advises however that any Cumulative Impact Area(s) are reviewed every three years. The Dorset Licensing Policy contains... More
    Closed 9 November 2023
  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024/25 Consultation

    A new Council Tax Reduction Scheme for Dorset Council Each year Dorset Council must decide whether to change the Council Tax Reduction scheme for working age applicants in its area. There are no changes for Pension Age applicants as they are part of the national scheme. This year the Council is deciding whether to significantly change the working age Council Tax Reduction Scheme. We are legally required to consult on any proposed changes to the scheme and we’re asking you to take... More
    Closed 25 October 2023
  • Housing Strategy

    Dorset Council is aiming to produce it’s housing strategy by the end of 2023. Before we do, we want to hear from you. What is important to you when it comes to housing in the Dorset Council area. What is a Housing Strategy? A housing strategy is a local housing authority’s vision for housing in its area. It sets out objectives on how the council aims to manage and deliver its strategic housing role. Policies about housing issues should reflect the housing strategy. ... More
    Closed 2 October 2023
  • Proposed Dog Related Public Spaces Protection Order

    The aim of the Dog Related Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is to promote responsible dog ownership so that everyone can use and enjoy public spaces. The Order clarifies the controls for dog owners and non-owners on public spaces across the Dorset Council area. The Order is restrictive in nature so, it is important to make sure any restrictions are proportionate and consistent across the Dorset Council area. The PSPO incorporates restrictions at specific beaches and... More
    Closed 25 August 2023
  • Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy

    We need your help in developing Dorset Council’s new voluntary and community sector strategy. Please fill in our quick 10 minute survey by 16th August 2023. Your feedback will help us improve how we work with local community and voluntary organisations. Dorset has a strong and vibrant voluntary and community sector (VCS) - one that has evolved over recent years to reflect the changing needs of local communities. Through the ‘Dorset Together’ network, we have worked with... More
    Closed 16 August 2023
39 results. Page 1 of 2