Local Transport Plan Opportunities and Issues
Results updated 22 Jan 2025
Local Transport Plan Opportunities and Issues - Survey Results
The feedback and experiences of residents, businesses and visitors on travel and transport has been analysed and is now published.
The data collected in early 2024 from roadshows, a survey and additional written responses is helping Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council to shape the new Local Transport Plan (LTP), setting out a vision for transport and travel infrastructure across the county.
Over 3,000 people responded to the survey and 300 attended events across the county. More than 90 interested groups, representing local communities, people with mobility needs, health providers and transport operators also provided valuable input.
Public consultation on the draft strategy and implementation plan will take place in late summer/early autumn 2025.
Once adopted by the councils in spring 2026, the new plan will help secure national funding for necessary transport improvements.
Further information can also be accessed through the invidiual Council links below.
- LTP4 Engagement Survey Analysis Report.pdf, 986.4 KB (PDF document)
Dorset Council and BCP Council are working together on options to move around Dorset safely, efficiently, and sustainably for years to come. This will be a joint plan, designed and managed by BCP and Dorset Councils using the results of a wide-reaching engagement survey. The Councils are listening to valuable feedback and not making any big decisions at this stage.
This joint plan will set out how transport is delivered to meet some of the demanding challenges facing the area, covering all types of transport, as well as road safety and maintenance. The new plan is needed to ensure we can travel safely and easily, whilst reducing carbon emissions and protecting the landscape that makes BCP and Dorset so special. All this must be done while maintaining economic growth and improving transport choices, accessibility, and experiences for all.
Since the last Local Transport Plan was produced in 2011, a lot has changed. Now is the chance to update our plans to ensure that our transport system meets the expectations of everyone and to identify the most important issues to prioritise future investment. The plan will be designed in line with the government's priorities, including the Net Zero by 2050 target.
Why your views matter
The aim of this survey is to understand the different needs of the diverse communities who live and work in Dorset.
Recent research has helped us understand the wider transport related issues and opportunities for the future. We’d now like to understand your views so our new plan works for everyone.
This survey will run for just over 6 weeks finishing on Sunday 3 March 2024.
If you cannot access the survey online an alternative format is available, please email, ltp@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk (Dorset Council), ltp@bcpcouncil.gov.uk (BCP Council) or call Dorset Council customer services 01305 221000 for a copy. This phone number is also suitable to use for BCP residents.
Any information collected will be stored in line with GDPR regulations and the Data Protection Act. Further information on our privacy notice can be found at www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/your-council/about-your-council/data-protection/dorset-council-privacy-notice
FAQ: Please be aware that each section of People, Place and Activity includes a ranking question. This question will only allow you to select the top 3 from the list that are most important to you. Once you select those three, it will not allow you to select any further statements.
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