Dorset Council Call for Sites

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Closes 4 Apr 2025


Welcome to the Dorset Council Call for Sites survey. Please complete the questionnaire with as much information as possible. We are interested in receiving submissions of land that may have potential for:

  • New homes (including for the settled and Traveller communities).
  • Employment land.

For guidance on submitting land for the above land uses please use the information below.

Further information and guidance for submissions


Guide for submission

Sites should be over 0.3ha in size (or more), or capable of accommodating 10 or more dwellings. This may be in the form of undeveloped greenfield land or previously developed brownfield land.

Those considering making a submission in response to the call for housing sites must consider how easily occupiers of the site could access education, health, welfare, and employment infrastructure. Sites which are closer to existing settlement allow occupiers to access facilities and services without needing to travel significant distances.


Guide for submission

We define employment uses as general industrial, storage and distribution uses (those in the B2 and B8 Use Classes), plus similar and compatible uses such as waste management infrastructure (sui generis uses). Our definition also includes other uses that provide direct and ongoing local employment opportunities which are appropriately located within an industrial estate/business park. Examples might include offices and research and development facilities (which now fall within Use Class E(g)).

Sites should be either over 0.25ha in size or provide scope to deliver gross 500m² of new floor space for employment uses or provide scope to deliver 5 or more new employment units.

We are interested in receiving submissions of sites that may be suitable for accommodating employment uses. This may be in the form of undeveloped greenfield land or previously developed brownfield land.

Sites proposed for retail or tourism should not be submitted for assessment for employment uses.

Gypsy, Traveller, and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation

Guide for submission

Submitted land may be of any size, to accommodate single or multiple pitches or plots. Sites of up to 15 pitches for Traveller accommodation may well be the optimum size for this type of development. This roughly equates to a site area of around 0.6 hectares. Travelling Showpeople plots will likely be larger than Traveller pitches due to the additional space needed to store equipment.

Those considering making a submission in response to the call for housing sites must consider how easily occupiers of the site could access education, health, welfare, and employment infrastructure. Sites which are closer to existing settlement allow occupiers to access facilities and services without needing to travel significant distances.

1. What is your name?
2. What is your email address?
3. What is your organisation?