Childcare Survey for Dorset Families

Closed 8 Dec 2023

Opened 8 Nov 2023


This survey is to find out from parents and carers what your experiences and needs are in relation to childcare for children and young people 0-14 years (18 for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 

The Childcare Act 2006 and the statutory guidance Early Education and Childcare Guidance for local authorities requires local authorities to assess whether we have enough childcare, at the times, and in the places, that Dorset families need.  

We want to support parents and carers to access paid work or undertake education or training to support you to find employment in anticipation of the expansion of the childcare offer starting in April. 

There are parts of the survey where it will ask you to provide a response for all of the children you are responsible for. If you have more than six children, please repeat the survey as needed. 

We estimate that this survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. If you would like help completing this survey or would like a copy of the survey in a different language or format, please contact

Dorset Council will also ensure that your data is stored appropriately. See details of our Data Privacy and GDPR policy

If you need to go back during the survey, the 'First' button will take you back to the beginning and you will need to scroll through to make changes. 

Prize Draw 

To say thank you to those who fully complete the survey, there will be the option to be entered into a prize draw. By completing the survey you could win a £25 One4all Voucher (there will be two winners) You can see more information at the end of the survey.