Low Carbon Dorset Community Impact Survey

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Closes 31 Mar 2025


Your community building recently received a grant from Low Carbon Dorset to install energy efficiency or renewable energy measures.

We would like to hear whether you think these measures have improved the building.

1. What is your post code?

Why do we need to know this?

We need to gather this information to ensure we have targeted the correct community area. Post codes will not be shared or used for any other purposes.

2. Which community building or facility are you providing feedback on?

Please provide the full name of the building or facility (for example, Litton Cheney Village Hall)

3. How often do you use this community building or facility?
4. How would you rate the changes in the community building or facilities since the installation of renewable energy or energy efficiency measures?
5. Have you noticed any changes in the lighting of the community building or facilities as a result of the new measures?

If your new measures didn’t involve the lighting, please leave this question blank.

6. Have you noticed any changes in the temperature of the building or facilities since the measures were installed?

If your new measures didn’t involve heating or insulation, please leave this question blank.

7. Are you aware of any changes in the electricity costs of the community building or facility since the new measures were installed?
8. Please share any additional comments or suggestions regarding the low-carbon measure(s) and their impact on the community building.