Dorset Council Residents' Survey 2023-2024

Closed 31 Dec 2023

Opened 1 Oct 2023


In the autumn and winter of 2023/24, independent research company, Information by Design, carried out our biennial Dorset Council Residents’ Survey.

The survey results highlight residents’ views about the council, where they live, and issues that matter to them. 

The survey was hand-delivered to over 2,000 Dorset residents, with results weighted by age group, geography, sex, ethnicity, and socio-economic background to ensure a representative sample of the entire area, with a 2% margin of error. 

As Covid restrictions did not apply to this survey we are able to compare the results directly to the survey carried out in 2019 which used the same methodology. 

Some of the key headlines: 

  • 85% of respondents are satisfied with their neighbourhood  
  • 59% of respondents are satisfied with the way the council run things 
  • 34% of respondents believe the council provides value for money (39% neither agree or disagree) 
  • 54% of respondents trust the council 

Please find attached the headlines from the survey (Powerpoint).

The senior leadership team are looking in depth at the survey findings, and how the council can address the issues raised and using the insight to inform the new council plan. 

For more information about the full results, please email


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