Dorset Council - Licensing Policy Consultation

Closed 9 Nov 2023

Opened 12 Oct 2023


The Council, as Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003, is required to publish a Licensing Policy at least every five years. The purpose of the policy statement is to define how the Council will exercise its responsibilities under the Act: Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026.

The Statutory Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 advises however that any Cumulative Impact Area(s) are reviewed every three years.

The Dorset Licensing Policy contains one Cumulative Impact Area in Weymouth Town Centre. Officers have reviewed the evidence base for the Weymouth Cumulative Impact Area and a report has been made for consideration. 

It is proposed to undertake a public consultation regarding the retention of the Cumulative Impact Area, with the results of the consultation being considered by the Licensing Committee and a recommendation made to Full Council.

Why your views matter

We invite your comments to make sure we have considered a wide range of views, which will help shape the final Dorset policy.

We want to hear from as many organisations and individuals as possible.

If you would like to access the policy or this survey in a different format, please contact the licensing team at 01305 838028 or

Dorset Council will also ensure that your data is stored appropriately. See details of our Data Privacy and GDPR policy